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What's Unique About the

Down to Earth Hypnobirth Programme?




This is a unique Hypnobirthing course which has been designed to be as flexible as possible for you, whilst giving you all the tools and support that you need to prepare for your brilliant birth experience.


There are so many different hypnobirthing approaches, methods and courses out there, and I know that trying to choose the one that's right for you can be pretty overwhelming and stressful in itself (!)


I know the last thing you need is to be stressing about how to stay calm, so I want to make it as simple and as easy as possible for you to decide if this is the right course for you. 


What's Down to Earth Hypnobirth all about?


This is a no-fluff, straightforward and clear approach to Hypnobirthing which focuses on teaching you tools and techniques for birth that work really well for you, and which fit you perfectly as an individual. Obviously, we're all different so it makes sense that we all have different ways of coping, of overcoming challenges and taking ourselves into a state of inner focus. 


What Down to Earth Hypnobirth gives you...


Through the Down to Earth Hypnobirth programme I want to help you discover yours! I'm an NLP practitioner as well as a Hypnobirthing teacher, so I combine these skills with hypnosis to teach you to access, develop and use your own particular innate skills and resources for birth.

At the same time, I guide you to let go of your own particular fears or previous birth trauma, teach you to tune in to your own intuition, listen to and work with your body, manage contractions, communicate effectively with your medical team and stay calm and in control of your own birth process. I even have a special module for your birth partner so they can understand how they can best support you, know how important their role is to you, and avoid feeling bewildered, stressed or out of place.  What's not to love?


..So How Does it Work?


The course is run over 3 or 4 weeks (but can be done in 2, if you're close to your due date).

It's delivered as a mix of 1:1 sessions with me (either face to face or via Skype) and video and mp3 modules for you to watch and use at a time that suits you. You also have access to a lovely supportive Facebook page so you can connect with others and ask me questions as you follow the course.


1 x 1-hour initial consultation session with Kathryn

2 x 1-hour coaching & hypnobirthing sessions


4 x Bespoke MP3 Downloads (worth £30 each):


   - 'Your Self Hypnosis' practice MP3 

   - 'Create Your Positive Birth ' MP3

   - 'Working with Your Body' MP3


3 x Online Classes (worth £40 each);

- 'Pain control techniques' online class & mp3 download

- 'Coping Techniques' online class & mp3 download

- Birth partner video module & guidance notes PDF


PLUS membership of the Down to Earth  Hypnobirthers' Private Facebook page

Once you've completed payment I'll be in touch to arrange your sessions and send you your consultation forms

Sign Up Now

for £220

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* It's non-judgmental - respectful of all birth choices

* It's empowering - learn to harness your own way of coping

* It's realistic - helping you manage (not deny) pain

* It's practical -  the tools support you through birth and beyond

* It's bespoke - you get the VIP treatment with 1:1 sessions and tailored MP3's

* It's flexible -  online sessions available if you can't commit to weekly classes

* It's great value, as buying the  individual course elements would cost £450

* It's supportive -  connect, ask questions and get support via private FB group

* It's unique - the only tailored online Hypnobirthing course available in the UK

* It's Down to Earth!  Kathryn's approach is straightforward, easy-to-follow and not at all 'hippy dippy'

   (and no swinging watches, promise!)




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